Commercial Grant
Grant Overview
Program Goal: To aid in the expedited adoption of zero-emission lawn and garden equipment, the RAQC has funding available to help local small businesses using outdoor power equipment in the Denver Metro/North Front Range ozone non-attainment area to replace gasoline-powered equipment. This commercial program is only available through participating Ace Hardware stores.
Funding: Applicants must apply for and be awarded funding before purchasing eligible equipment. Funding applications will be reviewed by our selection committee with awards up to $6,000.
Program Dates: Program Opens February 1, 2025 – Closes December 2025
Eligible Entities: Landscaping businesses using outdoor power equipment within the Denver Metro/North Front Range 9-county ozone non-attainment area and in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State.
1 Round Per Year.
Applicant Matching Funds: All small businesses will be required to contribute a 50% match for the total purchase of new battery powered electric equipment. For example, if you receive a $1,000 grant you will need to make a $2,000 total purchase including grant monies.
Recycling: You must recycle your old gas-powered equipment at a recycler to receive a grant. Find a list of recyclers here